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/ Job Management
Badges assist in passing critical job information from the office to staff in the field.
Recurring Jobs + Reminders
Schedule long term recurring jobs and reminders to followup customers after job completion (after sales services, etc).
Automate common tasks in ServiceM8 to save time, win more work, and get paid faster.
Job Allocations
A new way to schedule jobs without a specific booking date/time. Simply drop jobs onto staff as urgent / morning / afternoon / anytime.
Job Costing
Display cost and profit data so you can see how much you're making on each job.
Recurring Jobs Auto Routing
Automatically assign time and staff for Recurring Job bookings to minimise distance travelled.
Simple Recurring Jobs
Easily schedule weekly recurring jobs for repeat customers.
ServiceGuru Team Scheduler
With ServiceGuru Team Scheduler, you can schedule multiple staff jobs at once. Group/save staff into preset teams for ultimate efficiency.
$2.99 / month
ServiceGuru Job Steps
Ensure nothing gets forgotten with the ServiceGuru Job Steps. Links steps to material items to automatically build out all the requirements for that job, helping you get it done right, the first time.
$1.99 / month
ServiceGuru Job Tracker
Keep track of the jobs you have on the go with the ServiceGuru Job Tracker - perfect for projects or jobs requiring multiple staff over numerous site visits.
$47.99 / month
Create and send professional proposals to promote your services and offer customers multiple pricing options.
Job Templates
Create job templates which can be used to easily book new jobs with pre-filled information, items/services and more.
Create tasks with optional due dates and assign them to staff.