Electrical Services
Wanganui, New Zealand

AME Electrical

"With ServiceM8 we no longer struggle in the ‘paper war’. Our guys aren’t sitting in the smoko room filling out mountains of paperwork."

Top 3 Features

  • Smart List As we book jobs into the system, ServiceM8 learns what items & services we are most likely to book, based on the time of day, job category and other factors.
  • Job Scheduling I can schedule a job and allocate a technician in the office or on the road.
  • Job Diary The diary records and displays all notes, photos, and status changes throughout any job’s history.

AME Electrical is a family-owned, full-service electrical contractor firm which specializes in residential, commercial and maintenance.

We were looking for a program or App on the Web to help streamline a few of our business processes. ServiceM8 looked professional, and covered most of the requirements we needed.

We’ve been using the App for nearly 2 years and couldn’t be happier. ServiceM8 has streamlined many of our business processes, and continues to save us money by cutting down on workshop time!

Has ServiceM8 brought about time efficiencies?

Not having paper job sheets means there is no duplication of data which saves us a lot of time. All job information is right in front of our admin workers, and even better it is not handwritten which means no deciphering required. We simply copy and paste the job descriptions to MYOB; it’s as easy as that. The App makes our admin work so clear and concise.

How has ServiceM8 enhanced your business?

With our old paper system, we used to write the customer’s details two or three times and then have to list all the materials used. Now with ServiceM8 all those annoying tasks are automated.

Our field techs can concentrate on less data entry and be more accurate with adding materials and labour. Also, our field techs are able to produce their own job numbers on site. Previously they would have to call and one would be issued from the head office.

ServiceM8 takes these repetitive tasks away and frees time to concentrate on the import ones.