Boiler Service/Condition Report

Boiler servicing shouldn't be a box-ticking exercise, if the boiler is coming to the end of its life then it's a perfect opportunity to upsell a new boiler. This form will help you make that sale!


Boiler servicing is more than just a box-ticking exercise. Customers want to know and understand what condition their boiler is in so that they can take action when necessary. The problem is, most boiler servicing/condition reports generate a document that is difficult to understand. This means that it's down to your engineers to educate your customers about their boiler, but when you're against the clock trying to get through a busy day, spending that additional time with a customer can be the first thing to go.

This Boiler Service/Condition Report form is specifically designed to produce a much clearer report for your customers which helps them make a decision as to when they should make repairs or replace the boiler which in turn helps generate more work for you and your business. The form helps the engineer to document the condition of the components found within a boiler which typically breakdown, all done with multiple choice responses meaning no time is wasted by manually typing the condition of each component - this paint the picture for the customer.

At the end of the form, the engineer will be asked whether or not they recommend a number of improvements. Such as -

- A new boiler installation
- Thermostat/control upgrade
- Magnetic filter installation
- System clean/Power flush

By answering 'Yes' to these questions additional information is added to the certificate which explains why they need to consider the improvements, it explains the benefits of making these improvements and asks them to get in touch to discuss their options - this educates the customer and plants a seed for them to consider.

During the service/condition report, the engineer will be prompted to take images of specific checks and tasks. Things like an image of the inside of the boiler, the condition of the heat exchanger, electrodes and water quality for example. These images act as evidence, this is what backs up your findings and the reasons why you're giving this advice. When your customers see for themselves they will take note and consider the upgrade.

The beauty of these forms is that they take the work away from your engineer, they no longer need to worry about spending too much time with the customer and act as a salesman, the forms do the work for them, meaning they can go about their day and get through their jobs.

This Boiler Service/Condition Report form helped dramatically increase the boiler sales within my boiler installation business and I have no doubt that they will for yours too.


Things you should know

- The form includes all of the necessary gas checks that are required to fully document a boiler service.
- The form can also be used for other appliances such as gas fires and cookers for example. Responses that are not applicable have a 'N/A' response.
- When recording the gas analysis and burner pressures etc (number responses) simply skipping these will enter N/A into the relevant cells so that there are no blank cells which could be mistaken as a missed check.
- Please ensure that your engineers have their up-to-date Gas Safe licence number added in the industry-specific tab within their Staff Profile as this is automatically inserted into the form upon completion.


**Optional improvements and adjustments**

The company Gas Safe number is added manually to the form, this can be embedded directly into the form, if you would like to be added then please can get in touch with us.

Should you need to make any adjustments to the responses you can get in touch with us so we can make these changes for you.

Want to have a more personalised, professional-looking document with additional logos and accreditation images? (see the 4th provided image for an example)

Or do you want to change the colours to match your company branding?

Send us an email at to let us know and we'll be back in touch to discuss what we can do for you.


About me

My name's Jamie Cureton, I'm the founder of FlowState. I built, grew and sold a successful boiler installation business. After 8 years of hard work, I put the necessary systems in place to turn my small plumbing and heating business into a profitable boiler installation machine.

I now help other plumbing and heating engineers put the tools in place to help win back their free time, make more profit and build a sellable asset!

If you'd like to speak to me about how we do that then get in touch with us by emailing and using the subject - Speak to Jamie.

I'll get back in touch with you as soon as I can and show you what it's all about.

Thank you for considering using this form - if you like this form then get in touch to find out what other forms we have available that might not be included within the Form Store.

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