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Speed. Communication. Focus.

New ways to work faster. Easier communication. Next-level visibility and control.
To help your business succeed.

ServiceM8 for Mac & PC

At ServiceM8, we believe the speed of a solution makes a huge difference in how it feels, and how effective it can be.

To help you work faster in the office, we’re launching ServiceM8 Desktop apps for Mac & PC. Now, you can download and install ServiceM8 like any other software, providing a faster, focused experience.

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ServiceM8 Desktop app on Macbook Pro

Quick-start Siri Shortcuts

Access job & client information, and complete job actions, using simple voice commands.

It’s now much easier to set up voice-activated Siri Shortcuts for quick job info or actions, like navigating to your next job, hearing a job summary, or calling the job contact.

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ServiceM8 app built-in Siri Shortcuts

In-app Business Dashboard

ServiceM8’s Business Dashboard reports provide instant, digestible snapshots on your key revenue, productivity & efficiency metrics.

These reports are now available on the ServiceM8 App, with a new week-on-week filter, making it more convenient to track and improve your KPIs.

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ServiceM8 App Business Dashboard reports

Text from Camera

When completing a Form or creating an Asset, you can scan in barcoded numbers, but serials and codes without a barcode have still required manual entry — it’s tedious and prone to error.

Now, the ServiceM8 Camera supports Live Text image recognition, letting you easily point, scan and copy text from the real world into your Forms and Assets.

Requires iOS 15.

ServiceM8 text from camera

Job Action Bar

A new, floating bar at the bottom of job cards providing instant access to key job actions such as the Camera, Notes, Email & SMS. Customise the Job Action Bar to the actions you use the most to manage, document and complete jobs, faster.

ServiceM8 job cards on iOS with new job action bar

Document Scanner Improvements

To help digitize and save important paperwork, the Document Scanner has been improved with easier access and a faster experience.

You can now scan several pages at a time, adjust each scan, and rotate. Scanned documents are combined and compressed in single PDF for fast loading and easy sharing.

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Document scanning in ServiceM8 app on iPhone

Scan & Pay

Paying with plastic is on the way out. More and more, people are paying with their phone.

Scan & Pay lets you accept instant, contactless payment on site via Apple Pay & Google Pay.

Present the QR code on the ServiceM8 app for the client to scan with their phone, and they’ll be taken directly to a special payment page for that job, to instantly pay on their own device.

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Scan and pay QR code in ServiceM8 app on iPhone

Job Search Improvements

Your ability to search your job database, anytime, is crucial for so many everyday tasks and workflows. So we set a simple goal — to help you find what you’re looking for, faster.

To achieve this, we completely rebuilt ServiceM8’s search engine, making it smarter than ever.

ServiceM8 search results on Macbook Pro
ServiceM8 number search result

Smarter Results

ServiceM8 now understands the type of thing you're searching for, like a job number, name or address, and sorts results by relevance.

ServiceM8 name search result

Phonetic & Typos

Search is less dependent on spelling, showing results for similar ways of spelling client or street names, and accounting for typos.

ServiceM8 business name search result

Search Highlights

Bold text now highlights how a result matches your search term, helping you find what you’re looking for faster.

Client Search Improvements

Searching clients when creating a new job is now more intuitive, with prioritised results, suggestions based on alternate spellings, and bold highlights, making it faster to find the right client.

ServiceM8 client search results

Material Search Improvements

It’s now easier than ever to search and find specific items to include in your quotes and invoices.

Popular items are automatically suggested for one-click adding, matching search terms are bolded to help you judge if it’s the right item, and you can now search any part of an item’s code or name.

ServiceM8 material search results

QuickAdd & Pricing

Pricing displays with items when searching or browsing, to help you find the right item, faster.

You can then quickly add materials & services to a job, by swiping left on the line item. Available in the material Suggestions list, and material search results.

ServiceM8 quickadd materials on iPhone

Automatic Item Archiving

Most businesses only use 20% of their item database. The other 80% slows you down from finding the right item, every time you search.

Now, items that haven’t been used in over 12 months are automatically “archived” and hidden from search results. You can still see auto-archived items that match a search term by tapping ‘Show archived results’.

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ServiceM8 archived materials in search results

ServiceM8 Phone Improvements

Last year saw the launch of ServiceM8 Phone, a cloud-based phone system integrated with your clients and jobs.

With over 2 million calls and counting, we’re releasing a range of improvements to make ServiceM8 Phone more powerful in saving time and providing great service.

ServiceM8 Phone on iPhone and Macbook Pro
ServiceM8 Phone return call routing icon

Return Call Routing

When clients miss a technician’s call, then call straight back, they’ll be automatically routed straight back to the technician.

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ServiceM8 Phone secondary call group icon

Secondary Call Group

Set a second group as a fallback to receive calls when staff in the Primary Call Group are engaged or busy.

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ServiceM8 Phone hold music icon

Hold Music

ServiceM8 Phone online now comes with default music when you put callers on hold. You can also upload a custom audio file.

ServiceM8 Phone AI call summary

AI Call Summary

An advanced AI now summarises phone calls into a sentence, automatically, saving the key points of the call for easy reference.

ServiceM8 Phone call transcription

Call Transcription Improvements

The quality of call transcriptions has been improved, with better recognition of names, locations and industry-specific terms.

ServiceM8 Phone copy number in app

Copy Number

It’s now possible to copy a contact’s phone number in the App, for times when you’re out of internet connectivity. Just tap & hold.

Free Trial, New Pricing

ServiceM8 Phone now comes with a free 3-month trial, making it easier to try and ensure it’s a good fit for your business. Subscription plan required.

We’re also excited to announce new pricing in all regions, offering more choice and value.

See Pricing
ServiceM8 phone 3 month free trial

Improved Location Insights

The Location Insights Add-on provides instant access to property photos and floor plans for the job address, in AUS and NZ.

This year, it’s even more powerful with insights now available in the App. They’re also visible post-job creation, and when available, extra information will be displayed about the property, such as its floor area and construction.  

If you’ve been to the address before, Previous Job photos you have at that location will also appear. Previous Job photos are available in all regions.

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ServiceM8 location insights on iPhone and Macbook Pro

Online Booking Improvements

Clients being able to book your services in their own time, day or night, is great for getting new work, eliminating pre-job administration, and automating data entry to ServiceM8.

Which is why Online Booking pages hosted with the Services Add-on have had an overhaul — they’re now simpler for clients to use, and faster to complete, with a fresh new design.

ServiceM8 online booking pages on iPhone and Macbook Pro

Website & Email Add-on

Having a website and branded email address is essential for your online discoverability and professionalism. But, it’s a chore to set up and maintain.

The new Website & Email Add-on makes it as fast & easy as possible to get a live, professional website and email address.

We believe this is so important, that we’re making your first two years free if you activate before the end of 2021. Subscription plan required.

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ServiceM8 business website on iPad
choose your domain step

Instant Domain

Search available domains to match your brand and we’ll register it for you, instantly.

example email domain

Professional Email

Emails you send from ServiceM8 will come from your new, branded email address.

website colour picker

Easy Setup

Choose your domain, verify your email, write an ‘About Us’, social links, colour theme, team photo — done!

online booking services list

Online Booking

Your website automatically includes your Online Booking Services, making it easy for clients to enquire or book, day or night.

business reviews and star ratings

Customer Reviews

Reviews from the Customer Feedback Add-on automatically update to your website, which you can add photos to for extra impact.

gallery of past job photos

Photo Gallery

The gallery lets you easily showcase your workmanship. Share photos to your site’s gallery directly from the ServiceM8 App.

Job Bubble

Drag-and-drop is a great way to schedule, allocate and queue jobs. But, you need to double-check it’s the right job before dragging.

We wanted to make this frequent action easier, and faster. Now, when you close a job card, its Job Bubble appears — you can drag-and-drop it, or click to re-open the job card.

ServiceM8 job bubble in online dashboard

Improved Drag-and-Drop

The drag-and-drop experience has been improved to provide a clearer, more intuitive indication of where the job will land on the schedule, before you release it.

ServiceM8 drag and drop on schedule

Mention Notifications

Using @ to mention a team member in a job note (e.g. @john) is an efficient way to communicate, and keep important info in the job’s Diary.

Now, staff will receive a push notification when they’re @mentioned, which they can tap to open the relevant job. This makes it easier for staff to see when they’ve been mentioned, and respond faster.

staff mention push notification on iPhone lock screen

New Checkout experience

Capturing the outcome of a site visit in ServiceM8 efficiently communicates to everyone else where the job is at — is the job finished? If not, why not? What’s next?

This key info helps the job progress to completion and payment, faster.

The new Checkout process provides an easier, streamlined workflow when checking out of jobs. You can now add a preset job note, then schedule or queue the job, in one smooth process.

ServiceM8 app job checkout steps

Invoice Action Bar

Faster, one-handed access to Email & SMS the client when you’re checking out. You can now send a quote or invoice in just two taps.

invoice action bar in ServiceM8 app

Queue from Job Card

It’s now possible to send a job to a queue, directly inside the job card. This makes it much faster to queue when you’re already working in the job.

Queue button in ServiceM8 job card online

Improved Queue Time

The process of setting how long to queue a job is more intuitive. Rather than choosing a date, you now simply set a timeframe e.g. 2 weeks.

Queue time dropdown options

Assignable Queues

Queues have been ideal for managing jobs waiting for something, but weren’t optimised for “ASAP” workflows, where a common off-site task needs to be done before the job can proceed e.g. queues for jobs “to be quoted” or where “parts need ordering”.

Now, there is a new, Assignable queue type, letting you assign a staff member responsible for the queued job — they’ll be notified and see the job’s with them for action in their Smart Lists, to keep it moving forward.

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Assignable queue staff name dropdown online

Queue Board

Queues are a core tool for staying in control, helping you manage jobs which are on hold, waiting for something to happen, or requiring some off-site work to proceed.

Introducing the Queue Board, a new way to view and manage all your queued jobs, in one place, providing the next level of visibility and control.

ServiceM8 Queue Board on Macbook Pro
Queued job drag and drop


Drag-and-drop jobs between queues, or from the jobs list, or from the Job Bubble, straight into a queue.

Highlight of staff name on queued job

Assignment Highlights

For Assignable queues, see at a glance which staff member has been assigned the job while in that queue.

Highlight of staff name on job expired from queue

Expiry Highlights

See jobs which have expired from the queue, which have not been actioned and are due for follow-up.

Queue Expiry Visibility

When a job expires from a queue, it’s ready for follow-up. However, tracking these expired jobs has not been ideal, since you’d need to stay across the Queue itself, plus the Unscheduled Jobs list.

Now, expired jobs will continue to display in their queue as ‘Expired’, until they’re actioned, making it easier to focus and manage queued jobs.

jobs expired from queues in jobs list online

Jobs View & Smart Lists

A powerful new mission control for focusing on the jobs needing your attention, and maintaining complete visibility of every job in your business. New, customisable Smart Lists provide even more control, helping you go to the next level of efficiency and service.

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ServiceM8 Jobs View and smart lists on iPhone and iPad
calendar icon


Jobs scheduled to you Today only, plus queued jobs assigned to you, so you can focus & get more done in your day.

@ symbol


All jobs where you’ve been @Mentioned in a note, making it easier to communicate & save important job details.

task list

My Tasks

All jobs with Tasks assigned to you, showing the individual tasks in the same view to see at a glance.

speech bubble


Jobs containing unactioned Email or Text replies from clients, helping you provide fast response times.

grey folder

My Queued Jobs

Jobs assigned to you in a queue, helping you focus on completing off-site work needed to progress jobs.

ServiceM8 smart list editing


Add, remove or re-order Smart Lists in your Jobs view to suit what you need to work smarter, every day.

The 'Quotes' List

The new ‘Quotes’ job list gives you a new, central overview of all active quotes, helping you win work.

Scannable highlights let you quickly find and focus on jobs which haven’t been quoted yet, have an outstanding reply from the client, or have expired from a queue, helping you optimise your quoting process.

ServiceM8 Quotes list in online dashboard

Action Required

Your new go-to for ensuring jobs and clients don’t slip through the cracks, and keep moving forward.

While borrowing rules from the Unscheduled Jobs list, the new Action Required list has some key differences to help you work smarter, including job highlights — so you can see why a job needs attention, in a single glance.

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ServiceM8 action required list on iPad app
customer reply highlight in jobs list

Customer Replies

Never miss an important Email or Text from a client. A reply will show here for action til you respond to it, or dismiss it.

queue expiry highlight in jobs list

Queue Expiry

Jobs which have expired from a queue appear in Action Required, prompting you to follow up.

Charlie to Review highlight in jobs list

Bookings to Review

Past bookings which have not been queued, re-scheduled or Completed appear for action, highlighting the technician it was scheduled to.

For My Review

A powerful new list for field staff. See all jobs specifically needing your attention to move forward.

For My Review lists all jobs with Tasks assigned to you, unread Mentions of your name, and queued jobs assigned to you. It also shows past bookings which were scheduled to you, when you haven’t re-scheduled, queued or Completed them.

Stay on top of For My Review and jobs won’t slip through cracks, office staff will do less cleanup, and jobs will be finalised faster.

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For My Review smart list on iPhone and iPad

In-app Learning Roadmap & Rewards

The Learning Roadmap is now available in the More tab of the ServiceM8 App, providing convenient access to videos & tips to help you get more out of ServiceM8, and a great resource to train new staff on the ServiceM8 basics.

Plus, there are now significant ServiceM8 rewards for completing each level.

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ServiceM8 Learning Roadmap on iPhone and Macbook Pro